Important Notice 重要提醒

Important Notice 重要提醒

There are some inevitable bugs in the website. It may cannot show the thumbnail images correctly. But please click the thumbnails to show the large image. For the best result, please do not use IE explorer 6 and 8. Please use the Safari, Firefox, the World Browser, 360, Chrome, and so on. Sorry about this!

由于网站兼容性的不可避免因素,IE浏览器有时会导致缩略图显示不正常。但点击缩略图仍然可以正常显示图片。因此,请避免使用IE 6 和IE 8浏览器。为了达到最好的效果,请尽量使用其它浏览器,例如Safari,火狐,世界之窗,360浏览器,谷歌浏览器,等等。在此向大家抱歉!